I’m happy to announce that my cycle of poems written during the eighteen months after Bill’s death, Recycling Starlight, is now in print from Ce Rosenow’s Mountains and Rivers Press. It has been published in a limited edition chapbook, beautifully designed by Jonathan Greene, and elegantly produced by Swamp Press, with a letter-press cover and hand-sewn signatures.
Here’s a link to the press’s Facebook page where, if you scroll down, you’ll find a photo of Ed Rayher and Jonathan Greene at Swamp Press–in the process of making the book.
Both Sonia Sanchez and John Brandi have blessed me with comments about the book which appear on the back cover. I’m very grateful for their kind words, which I’ll share below:
What a beautiful pavane Penny has written for Bill. We learn their secret names for death and love. Pain and birth. Hills and rain. Coins and ash. We listen and
these poems
bring the earth
to its knees . . .
—-Sonia Sanchez
These poems are among Penny Harter’s best, a fine tribute to her late husband, a wrenching presentation of loss, and an incomparable homage to love. Remarkable for their beauty and skilled compression, they fuse the deep territory of grief with the author’s powerful migration into light. The process is alchemic, the language channeled to reveal the heart. Penny Harter is a master at giving emotional complexities profound clarity.
—-John Brandi

Copies are available from Mountains and Rivers Press at: http://www.mountainsandriverspress.org/TitleView.aspx.
The book will also be available at the 2010 Dodge Poetry Festival: http://www.dodgepoetry.org/festival-2010/
and at the 2010 Seabeck Haiku Getaway: https://sites.google.com/site/haikunorthwest/seabeck-haiku-getaway/2010schedule which I will be attending again this year. I will be reading from the book at both of these events. Exciting times!