I’ve been woefully behind in posting—just been too busy, I guess. Anyway, some good publishing news:
My poem “Loving Flowers” appears in Adanna, Issue #1, Summer 2011. http://adannajournal.blogspot.com/
My essay / lesson for poets, ” Circling the Pine: Haibun and the Spiral Web” appears in the section “Structure and Form” in Wingbeats: Exercises & Practice in Poetry, just out from Dos Gatos Press. Edited by Scott Wiggerman & David Meischen, it’s a wonderful compilation of lessons for poets to try—with a fine list of contributors. I’m honored to be among such fine company!
In addition, Limula’s Magic Tail, the children’s story I wrote at the invitation of Paul Somers, noted composer, and the Cousteau Center of the Rutgers Institute of Marine Biology is done.
Paul has written wonderful music to accompany the spoken text, and he and I had the joy of presenting both text and score (score on a really good CD) a week ago Tuesday night to a national group of marine biologists at the Rutgers Research Station on the bay in Tuckerton:
It went very well, so now we’re all working together on the next phase, which is to find an illustrator and fund a children’s book with CD. The theme of the story is to help children appreciate both the threatened species in the Delaware Bay and the delicate ecosystem of the Bay and its environs.