Just got the news today via good old postal mail that Holy Cow! Press has accepted my poem “Shelling Peas” for their forthcoming anthology The Heart of All That Is: Reflections on Home, to be published in a paperback edition during October 2013. Since it had been some months since I submitted, I was checking my submissions records and wondering about it earlier today—and then the mail came :).
You can visit their web site at: http://www.holycowpress.org/
The press does lovely anthologies. In 2009, I was blessed to have work in an earlier anthology of theirs Beloved on the Earth: 150 Poems of Grief and Gratitude— a collection which I highly recommend for anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one. I’m so pleased to be included in this new anthology from Holy Cow! Press!
And I want to add that Jama Rattigan at her “Jama Rattigan’s Alphabet Soup” blog was the first to like and feature this poem. You can scroll down to read it again at: