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  • Writer's picturePenny Harter

My poem “Elephant Heaven” to be read on WYSO (Ohio); poem in current *Paterson Literary

I am once again woefully overdue in posting any news. For instance, I went to Haiku Canada in Toronto and had a wonderful time. I even took photos. I’ll have to save that post for another time. Meanwhile, some current news:

A fine poet friend,  Julie L. Moore, whom I met on the Wom-po (Women Poets) list-serve, just told me that a recording of her reading my poem “Elephant Heaven” from The Night Marsh, my book with WordTech Editions—

will air on “Conrad’s Corner” at 7:59 p.m., Sunday, July 1st, on WYSO, 91.3 FM. You can stream it live through the station’s website at

Julie lives in Ohio, which is in the Eastern Daylight time zone—as am I here in NJ. So if you are not in the Eastern time zone and want to listen to it, you’ll have to adjust the time accordingly.

Unfortunately, the station makes podcasts to be heard after the show only for local poets’ work, so if you miss the broadcast, you won’t be able to hear it later on. I’m so pleased and excited that Julie has chosen this poem to share with listeners! It’s one of my favorites, too.


Also, my poem “The Unforgiving Floor” is just out in the current issue of the Paterson Literary Review.

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